Make friends
in Japan!
& all over the world
Connect, Chat, & Learn new languages and culture
directly with local people!

Make friends
in Japan!
& all over the world
A fun way
to learn
Japanese language!
Join a huge Japanese people community!
More than 65% of Langmate users are Japanese!.
Filter & find the users that fit you
You can now filter Cards and profiles with new advanced settings! Find people with the same language interests as you or of specific nationalities, or age, or gender. A great way to find friends who fit you!
Filter & find the users that fit you
You can now filter Cards and profiles with new advanced settings! Find people with the same language interests as you or of specific nationalities, or age, or gender. A great way to find friends who fit you!
Connect, Match
& Chat
Simply swipe, send friend requests, match, chat and become friend with Japanese locals or international people all around the world!
Learn with Locals!
Are you in love with a city or are you planning a future trip? You can now change your virtual location and see only local people from around the place you want. Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or Seoul… select your destination from the list, and make friends with Local People!
Learn with Locals!
Join a huge Japanese people community! More than 65% of Langmate users are Japanese! Learn new culture, ask any questions to local people about everything you want to know.

Say it loud!
Perfect your pronunciation and accent. Chat with native speakers using voice messages or video messages.
An image worth a thousand words
Practice your writing. Using the drawing tool in the chat, you can exchange hand writings and improve your kanji and kana skills! (But you can also only send cute drawings if you want 😉

An image worth a thousand words
Practice your writing. Using the drawing tool in the chat, you can exchange hand writings and improve your kanji and kana skills! (But you can also only send cute drawings if you want 😉

Security & Privacy
Langmate is committed to protecting users’ personal information, and will never use, share or sell your data. We control everyday the impact of spam and bad behaviors, and delete any bad profiles, from your reports and our expertise.
Download now
Create your profile now and start chatting and making friends in Japan and all around the world!